Saturday 4 August 2018


In the U.S. solely, the number of breast cancer patients is on the increase more and more. Namely, currently, one in eight women suffers from this type of cancer. The key to successful treatment is early detection. So, in order to notice the early warning signs, women need to be familiar with the most common symptoms of breast cancer and seek medical attention as soon as possible if they happen to detect any.

These are the 5 most common symptoms of breast cancer. Let’s take a look:

New moles or changes in existing ones

Unlike women with no moles, women with moles have 13% higher risk of developing breast cancer. Therefore, if you notice any new irregularly shaped moles or change in the shape of already existing ones, you should consult your physician.

Hoarseness and persistent coughing

In most cases, when breast cancer spreads, it spreads from the breast to the lungs and thus causes hoarseness and constant coughing. Statistically speaking, this occurs in 70% of breast cancer patients.

Irregular bowel and bladder movements

Cancer patients often experience hormonal changes which cause drying of the urethra and incontinence. Namely, this can cause leaking of urine during coughing, sneezing, or laughing. Also, breast cancer patients may feel an urgent need to urinate and their urination lasts longer than usually.

Unexplained tiredness

A lot of cancer patients suffer from fatigue, even after a good night’s sleep. Moreover, this occurs because this type of exhaustion is not a consequence of lack of sleep, but a result of chemical imbalance in the body.

Unexplained back ache

Back pain can indicate numerous conditions, among which is breast cancer. Usually, breast cancer patients who experience back pain feel pressure on the spine and ribs and upper back pain. When the patient feels that the pain comes from the bones, this might be a sign that the cancer has spread to the bones.

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