Friday 16 November 2018

THis Juicing Good For You? Green Juice Recipe For Weight Loss

Green juice recipes for weight loss? By now we are all used to dreaming up a variety of delicious juicing concoctions, but drinking our salad greens? Sounds strange?

Well, just think about how you can increase the value you normally get from your salad greens if you run them through your juicer instead...

Don't worry about the fiber you may be losing in the process. There are lots of other ways to add roughage to your diet. The main thing is that you can extract all the vitamins, minerals and enzymes that normally remain trapped in the fiber of the salad, allowing your body to put it to good, healing use.

Let's take a look at the benefits of some of the ingredients that could be in your 'salad' drink.

1. Health Benefits Of Beet Juice
Whether you want more energy, a stronger immune system or better blood pressure control, beet juice can help you to achieve these goals. This is an exceptionally potent veggie to include in your 'salad' juice. So potent in fact, that it is recommended that you always dilute it with other juices.

2. Health Benefits Of Carrot Juice
We all know that carrots are good for your eyes, but the benefits don't end there. Carrots can help you to reduce inflammation levels in your body, lower your cholesterol and even offer relief from stress. It is good for your heart and terrific for your skin.

3. Health Benefits Of Cucumber Juice
Look for organic cucumbers you can juice skin and all. This one is superb as a tonic for skin and hair. It will cool you down on a hot summer day and will reduce water retention in your body. This is one reason why vegetable juice recipes for juicers usually include cucumber. If you feel hot and thirsty, give a glass of juice with cucumber a try before reaching for a sugary not-good-for-you soda.

4. Health Benefits Of Celery Juice
I love the crunchy texture of celery sticks, but I know how important it is to make sure that I juice these as well. This is my number one choice for lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. It is known to be good for heart health. It is also a good rehydrating veggie. Try it for instance on a hot day after a workout. It may also contain cancer-fighting nutrients.

5. Health Benefits Of Baby Spinach Juice
Do you love adding baby spinach to a salad? Well, in juice this is equally important. Spinach can help with a variety of health issues, from digestive problems to anemia. Don't juice spinach more than about 2 times a week, though and speak to your doctor about using spinach if you have kidney stones. Some folks may experience problems with the oxalic acid in spinach.

6. Health Benefits Of Watercress Juice
Don't you love the peppery taste of watercress? Watercress has anti-cancer properties. It can help to reduce the plaque in your arteries. It can also be beneficial if you are struggling with water retention. It may assist with bone health. It is another excellent skin tonic to keep in mind.

7. Health Benefits Of Red Or Green Cabbage Juice
Cabbage is remarkably rich in nutrients called phytonutrient antioxidants and glucosinolates. These are why cruciferous veggies such as cabbage are well-known for cancer prevention. In addition, red cabbage in particular is rich in properties that are very helpful when it comes to fighting inflammation in your body. Another major plus is the healing work of cabbage juice in the whole digestive tract. This vegetable can actually help to promote the healing of ulcers! It also plays a role in heart health and has cholesterol lowering properties.

8. Health Benefits Of Kale Juice
This is another of the cruciferous veggies and also comes loaded with nutrients that help with cancer prevention. It also helps with heart health and with the prevention of chronic inflammation in your body. In addition, it is a fairly powerful detoxifying agent. The darker green the color, the better. If you find the taste too overpowering, you may want to look at a member of this family that is known as salad savoy. It is a bit easier on the palate.

9. Health Benefits Of Tomato Juice
By now we all probably know about tomatoes being rich in lycopene. This is what is called a carotenoid. This particular element is a powerful phytonutrient with a huge reputation for cancer-prevention. It is claimed that lycopene is of particular help in preventing prostate cancer. But, in the end it is the way all the nutrients in tomatoes work together in your body that makes it so useful in terms of health benefits. It can also improve heart health, lower cholesterol, acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and helps with bone density. So be sure to add these to your 'salad' juice and also make generous use of tomato slices, tomato ketchup and tomato paste in your diet.

Green Juice Recipe For Weight Loss

2 Medium tomatoes
1 Stick of celery
1/3 Cucumber
Generous handful of baby spinach, salad leaves, watercress or kale (or a mixture)
2 Carrots
1 Red apple (preferably Golden Delicious)
Optional: Some shredded coconut for added sweetness


    Rinse the ingredients thoroughly. Give the carrots a good scrub
    Quarter the tomatoes
    Roll the leaves into tight balls
    Top and tail the carrots, discard greens
    Quarter the apple and discard seeds
    Run all the ingredients through the juicer, making sure to juice the leaves with carrots and apples to get the most from them
    Add some ice if you prefer, and enjoy!

I hope this will motivate you to juice your salad regularly!
This may also be the best way to make sure that the kids get their 'salad' every day. Not only will you see the family health benefits over time, but green juice recipes for weight loss can fill you up and lessen your cravings for salty and sweet things!

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