Tuesday 11 December 2018


The most common type of heart disease is coronary artery disease, which can lead to heart attack. Half of all heart attacks happen without any warning, due to blockage of the blood flow to certain part of the heart. This happens when the deposits in the arteries form a blood clot which prevents the blood from flowing to the heart.If the clot isn’t removed promptly, a part of the heart muscle starts dying, which can lead to a heart attack. This condition is known as hardening of arteries and medically referred to as atherosclerosis.

5 lifestyle changes that can prevent 80% of heart attacks
A study has proved that 90% of all heart diseases can be completely prevented by making changes to our nutrition and getting rid of certain bad habits. According to another study the risk of heart attack can be drastically reduced by changing our lifestyle.

The following are 5 things we need to follow to prevent a heart attack:

1.Healthy eating

2. Physical activity (walking/ riding a bike for 40 minutes a day or more and exercising for an hour or more a week)

3. Maintaining a healthy waist circumference

4. Moderate alcohol consumption (10-30 g a day)

5.Avoiding tobacco

6. Which food is good for the heart?

Most of the people don’t know that trans fats and refined carbohydrates are much more harmful than saturated fats. This misconception has led the food processing industry to produce low fat food, replacing the healthy saturated fats with the harmful trans fats (vegetable oil, margarine), refined sugar and processed fructose. Because of this approach there is a steady increase of obesity and heart disease among people.

What is the perfect diet for a healthy heart?

The most important thing to do is avoid trans fats and completely dispose of all processed foods, including the food from the majority of restaurants. To reduce the risk of heart disease, reduce the consumption of sugar, processed fructose and grains to a minimum. Instead, eat raw organic food as much as you can, and replace the carbohydrates from the grains with a large amount of vegetables and organic meat.

These are the best sources of healthy fats:

Butter made from organic milk
Raw milk products
Coconut and coconut oil
Organic eggs yolks
Cold-pressed organic nut oils
Raw nuts such as almonds, hickory nuts, macadamia nuts and seeds

Should you eat more fruit?

According to a study presented this year at the ESC Congress in Barcelona, people who regularly eat fruit have a 40% lower risk of developing a heart disease, and a 32% lower risk of developing other diseases. Fruit is rich in antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and other nutritional components which contribute to better health and prevent inflammation.

However, fruit should be eaten in moderation, especially sweeter fruits, since the high levels of fructose affect the heart negatively.

Diabetes medicaments increase the risk of heart disease

Recent research has shown that certain diabetes drugs can be associated with the reduction of the level of hormones which stimulate the thyroid gland, and this can lead to various serious health problems, including heart disease.

Another study has proved that type 2 diabetes drugs, which lower the level of glucose, increase the risk of death from heart disease considerably.


Warning about beta blockers and their abuse

Beta blockers are medicaments used in the treatment of high blood pressure and congestive heart failure. However, it has been revealed this year that it is possible that beta blockers have led to 800,000 deaths in Europe in the past 5 years.

Avoid becoming a part of a heart attack statistics

The worst thing you can do is wait for some symptoms of a heart disease to appear in order to take action. Protect your heart and prevent permanent damage in the following ways:

  • Refrain from all sugar types if you are resistant to insulin and leptin
  •     Eat unprocessed saturated animal fats
  •     Avoid drugs for lowering cholesterol level- they have many side effects, whereas the positive effects are questionable
  •     Don’t sit more than 3 hours a day
  •     Exercise regularly
  •     Consume the optimal amount of vitamin D
  •     Walk barefoot as much as possible
  •     Reduce the level of stress

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