Thursday 10 January 2019

Get Rid of Belly, Thigh, Arm and Back Fat With Baking Soda – This is the Right Way to Prepare it!

We use many different ingredients in our kitchen every day. Still, we aren’t aware about their various usages. There are lots of ingredients that can be used in many different ways to improve our overall health and among them is sodium bicarbonate (baking soda).

We all love to show off a flat stomach, so we resort to various techniques to achieve this goal. And one of the best is in most homes.

The key to reducing the abdomen is within our reach and the best thing about it, is super economic. Baking soda is the formula for losing weight. Do you know why it’s so effective? Because it contains alkalinizing compounds and is digestive.

The next question that would arise is: How to use the bicarbonate to obtain the figure that I desire? There are three ways of using baking soda to help us significantly decrease the volume of our abdomen and get that flat stomach we desire.

Baking soda with lemon juice and grapefruit


    1 tsp. of baking soda
    1 lemon or grapefruit
    Half a glass of water


Dissolve the baking soda in the glass of water and add the lemon or grapefruit juice. After this, stir the mixture well till all the ingredients are dissolved. Consume this beverage on an empty stomach 20 minutes before breakfast.

Baking soda with apple cider vinegar

    2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
    1 glass of water
    ½ tsp. of baking soda


Mix all the ingredients in a glass like the previous beverage. Consume it on an empty stomach, and you will rapidly notice that you’ll lose weight and burn corporal fat, too!

Baking soda with fruits

    2 lemons
    2 cups of water
    1 cup of strawberries
    1 bunch of fresh mint leaves
    a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate


Mix all of the ingredients together. Avoid putting sugar in the mix! Consume it two times a day and include ice if you prefer it cold.

Another thing that is going to help you burn corporal fat is cutting the usage of flour and sugars. Including more baking soda in your diet will do wonders for your body. Do not forget to exercise so that you can strengthen yourself!

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