Sunday, 14 October 2018

DIY Garlic Hair Oil For Super Hair Growth And Regrow Your Hair, 100% Effective

This is a DIY hair growth oil which will boost your hair growth and will stop your hair fall with regular use.

Ingredients :

  •     Garlic, around 6 to 8 garlic cloves will do the trick.
  •     (Pure garlic juice can be irritating to the skin when used alone, as it packs a powerful punch. For this reason, it is important to mix garlic juice with other ingredients to reduce the chances of skin irritation on the scalp. )
  •     Coconut oil – 1 teaspoon ( Alternatives Olive oil, mustard oil, grapeseed oil , Jojoba oil )
  •     Castor oil – 1 teaspoon

Directions to follow :

  •     Take a blender and the bend the garlic cloves without adding any water.
  •     Now take a clean bowl and place a muslin cloth or a cheese cloth on it and place the garlic puree into it and squeeze out as much juice as possible.
  •     Now add 1 teaspoon each of Coconut oil and castor oil into the garlic juice and mix everything very well until garlic is well incorporated with the oils.
  •     As usual comb your hair and make sure there are no tangles.
  •     Now take two cotton pads or cotton rounds and sock it into the oil, squeeze the excess and gently press it onto your scalp.
  •     continue the process until your whole head is covered with garlic oil.
  •     You don’t need to use this on your entire hair, this is basically a scalp treatment so just apply onto your scalp.
  •     A word of caution. As you all know garlic stinks, yes it is going to linker on your head even if you wash your hair. But if you want go ahead and add some drops of essential oil info it to reduce the smell of garlic but you know what guys no pain no gain.
  •     Apply this garlic hair oil 2 times a week upto a month to see visible results.

READ  Get thicker hair in 2 months

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